A fearful and distant dog suddenly changes his attitude with his foster mother, who understands that a danger awaits her

Brownie thanked, in his own way, the one who opened the doors of his home to him to help him make a new start. While she was taken ill, the animal remained by her side until the end of the crisis. For his temporary mistress, this was nothing fortuitous.

A dog with a painful past spent only 2 weeks with his foster family, but this short stay transformed him and made him a hero in the eyes of his benefactress. A story reported by The Dodo.

Brownie had never really known life in a house. Coming from a shelter in New Mexico, he had been adopted 4 times, but had been brought back to the shelter each time.

Recently, an association based in Colorado had expressed its willingness to offer him a new chance. But before making the trip, he had to stay with a host family for 15 days.

It was the volunteer Molly Analore who took care of it. The dog was «terrified» during the first days. He had a hard time getting used to the rules of life in a home. However, he has made progress thanks to the patience of his host mother.

Brownie was finally starting to relax, communicate and assimilate the basics of everyday life at home. So, for example, he got into the habit of sitting opposite the door and barking when he wanted to go out to do his needs. The quadruped, however, remained somewhat distant.

A few days before her arrival, Molly Analore had felt slight discomfort several times, including phases of dizziness. She hadn’t really paid attention to it.

One night, however, a new crisis occurred, much more intense than those past. Her heart was beating fast and she felt very weak. While she was lying on her sofa, Brownie came to join her and snuggled up to her, he who was not used to doing it.

«A dog like that only happens once in a lifetime»
Molly Analore then decided to go to bed in her room. There, Brownie «was in front of my door screaming at the top of his voice, scratching the door and headbutting him, she relates. It wasn’t normal. It was almost as if he was trying to say, ‘Something’s wrong, let me in now’»

She opened it to him, and the dog jumped on his bed and put his head against his chest. He kept this posture until Molly Analore’s heart had returned to a normal rhythm. As soon as the tachycardia stopped, «he just got up and left,» she says.

«He did everything by himself. He is such a good boy,» continues the volunteer, who saw him leave his home after 2 weeks, as planned. Brownie went to the shelter in Colorado, but Molly Analore wants to take him home to adopt him permanently.

«A dog like that only happens once in a lifetime. The connection was very strong,» she concludes.

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