A few years ago,this man saved a fox.

When the protagonist of this story first heard about fox farms,where animals were raised in terrible conditions for only one purpose — to get fur from them,he decided that he could not just pass by.The man wanted to save at least one animal a all costs.And he did it.

At first,the guy didn’t succeed much.He called a huge number of breeders,but no one wanted to sell foxes.And this is understandable,because they were not grown for sale at all.
As a result,he still found a compliant man and had a small lump of wool in his arms.He had to pay about $60 for the fox.

The guy called it Vixi.Now the fox is no longer a lump at all,but a real woolen beast that is capable of various outrages.
Its favorite dish is raw chicken fillet.It can also eat chicken legs,raw eggs and dry cat food.It can eat 6 packs of such food in a day…

Vixi’s favorite pastime is to steal something no matter where…
In general,life with this cutie just can’t be boring!

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