A flock of swans froze on the lake,a kind woman saved them.

The descendants of these swans appeared late than usual.And the family decided to stay in the pond for the whole winter,because the kids couldn’t reschedule the flight.

The situation became very complicated,it was only necessary to hit the frosts.The pond is covered with ice and the birds have no choice but to go to people to find food.
The inhabitants of the nearest village took pity on the swans and began to feed them.

A local woman decided to help the swans.Lyudmila allocated a place in one of her greenhouses.As food,she gave them frozen fish.In just a few weeks of life in warmth and good nutrition,the birds recovered and began to look much better.
Lyudmila is determined to take care of the birds and feed them as long as possible.She is not going to kick out swans,but she will not obstruct them either if they decide to return to the lake.

Together with the swans,Lyudmila has chickens,ducks and even a pig in the greenhouse.It is very nice to understand that there are still people in our world who are not indifferent to the fate of animals.

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