A good dog helps a cat raise kittens.

The dog decided to take on the role of the older brother and caring nanny,and began to take care of the kittens.They were born to a homeless cat brought by the mistress of the dog.

Two months ago,a shelter in Hamilton in Canada received a message about a pregnant cat wandering the streets and collecting leftovers.The locals wanted to help her,and contacted the shelter to be taken away.At first, the cat didn’t give in any way…
However,the volunteers managed to appease the cat,and eventually she was taken to a shelter.Specialists made sure that the health of the expectant mother was in order,and sent her to overexposure.The cat was nicknamed Banksy.It took her time to get used to everything new.

But thanks to her guardians,Banksy felt safe and relaxed.A few days later,she gave birth to seven babies — all the kittens were healthy and active.And Banksy immediately took up her maternal duties — she sensitively took care of the babies and did not take her eyes off them.
When the kittens grew up a little,the guardian decided to introduce them and mommy to her pet dog named Nood,who loves to babysit the kids.He immediately became interested and bean to take care f kittens like an older brother.

The kittens fell in love with Nood in return — they are constantly next to him,and even sleep right on it.A good-natured dog treats kids with patience and sensitivity and this is a surprisingly touching spectacle!
Soon they will start looking for permanent homes for kittens,as well as for their mother.In the meanwhile,they live in love and care,including from their kind shaggy nanny!

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