A homeless young man fed a dog that fell into a four-meter hole for almost a month.

We can treat the homeless differently.But in any case,it is necessary to remember that stories and situations are different and they are also people,often ore understanding and compassionate than rich and successful.

Thus,in one of the cities in Ukraine,animal rights activists conducted a planned detour of the district in search of stray animals.They did not find any animals,but met a homeless man,who told them that the dog had fallen into a sewer pit in the field.
She has been there for more than three weeks and it is impossible to get her out of there,but he did not leave the animal in trouble,but regularly brought food that he could find.

Volunteers notified the incident to the municipal structure,whose competence included catching ad subsequent transfer of animals to the shelter.The dog was pulled out of a four meter pit and was immediately sent to the veterinary clinic.
Now the dog,fortunately,will not only be sterilized,but will also receive the necessary vaccinations.And the volunteers expressed a big human thank you to the young man for his participation and kindness.

As you see,kindness and humanity are nit conditioned by a person’s social status and can often take very unexpected forms.

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