Hidden behind the vegetation and not allowing herself to be approached by anyone, an injured and sick dog received the help of a volunteer when she needed it most. The latter had to be very patient to gain her trust.
A dog abandoned in the woods and suffering was rescued by an association and treated. A story reported by The Dodo.
A man who was walking in a wooded area in Missouri had noticed a dog lurking in a bush and who clearly needed help. He had informed the local association Stray Rescue of St. Louis, who sent volunteer Donna Lochmann to the scene.
She may have searched when she arrived on the first day, but the dog was nowhere to be found. The next day, on the other hand, she was there. The animal, however, did not let her touch him. He growled at every attempt to approach.
Donna Lochmann immediately noticed that the dog was not using one of her front paws, which added to the urgency of her rescue. The canid, however, refused to come out of its hiding place. The volunteer then left a trap cage with food inside.
Although hungry, the dog did not let herself be locked up. When her benefactress returned to inspect the cage, she was surprised to see the animal wandering near an abandoned house. Donna Lochmann changed her approach; she got down on her knees and began to speak to him in a soft voice. Noticing that she was no longer trying to run away, she approached her, then passed the leash around her neck. And there, as if by magic, the bitch relaxed.
On the right track…
Donna Lochmann was finally able to take him to the vet. He discovered that she was suffering from a serious shoulder injury, requiring the amputation of her paw, but also that she was positive for parvovirus. Canine parvovirosis is a common infectious disease in unvaccinated dogs.
Fergie – that’s what she was called after her rescue – is receiving the necessary treatments and her health condition is improving day by day. Even if she is not completely recovered yet, Donna Lochmann and the veterinarians hope to see her recover and find her a loving family for life.