An 8-year-old horse takes his cat for a walk and warms our hearts

As you may already know, all good friends come in different shapes and sizes. However, cats and horses have a lot of similarities in their characters.

Thus, it was no surprise to Jennifer Boyle that her horse, Champy (1 year old), created such a beautiful complicity with a rescue cat, Morris (9 months).

Jennifer had adopted Morris after visiting an animal shelter. The beautiful black cat looked at her continuously, did not take his eyes off her. Eventually, he chose Jennifer as his human. The friendly cat was happy to arrive at his house.

Champy immediately fell in love with his new cat friend. However, it took some time for Morris to get used to the fact that the vast horse was nice to him.

Cependant, Morris a rapidement développé un esprit aventureux et Jennifer a découvert que son chat aimait manifestement monter son cheval préféré. Champy était le premier ami de Morris.

Le propriétaire était un peu sceptique au début quant à leur amitié et a gardé un œil pour s’assurer que le chat était en sécurité. Cependant, quelques jours plus tard, elle a découvert que Morris avait sauté sur le dos de son ami et était prêt à faire un tour.

Morris was a sickly rescue cat and spent months in a cage before being adopted by Jennifer. The owner was happy that her horse and the shelter cat had become best friends. The adorable cat became the first, or only, to ride Champy.

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