Cat appeared at the fashion show and presented everyone his famous catwalk

Lovely cats have already literally been able to conquer our whole world for a long time. It is very difficult to find a person who could refuse to stroke this wonderful creature or just play a little with him, having received a lot of positive emotions.

But even if you are not playing with a cat, he can give a big smile! And now we will prove that only the character and demeanor of these eccentrics are able to cause a positive!

And it all happened not so long ago, during the “Esmod International Fashion Show.”

The show took place in Istanbul. The hall with the podium was literally packed with spectators because everyone wanted to look at the newest and most original ideas of the fashion world.

But the visitors miscalculated a little, as they managed to look not at fashion, but at an original cat!

A street cat suddenly appeared in the room and at some point decided to climb the podium. First, the animal began to thoroughly lick itself, and then he wanted to walk with the model and show off in front of the general public.

At first, the cat just walked along the catwalk, and soon she began to pay attention to models in stylish outfits. The girls decided to simply continue their work, but the guest of the celebration just wanted to play with original clothes from famous designers.

The organizers of the event decided not to interfere with the cat’s joy, but simply leave her alone. And this is not in vain, since all people spoke positively about this show, even those who have nothing to do with fashion at all.

Moreover, they even allowed guests to shoot a video of the cat.

The video spread very quickly on the Internet, and people wrote a huge number of positive comments under it. Everyone was delighted with the original cat, and therefore the tailed beauty instantly became a real star.

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