The world’s most patient pet owner: the caring man loves to slowly stroll around Tokyo with his giant turtle
If you happen to stroll in the streets of Tokyo, you probably will see this caring and patient man wandering with his giant African Sulcata pet. Maybe, this
The ginger cat that came for vaccination and became a meme
At present, the authorities of various countries of the world no longer know what ways to entice their populations to get vaccinated, since those who wanted to do
Mysterious story: the dog entered the house in which all the doors were closed
This story happened to an American of Finnish origin, Jack Jokinen. One day he woke up and was involved in a real detective story. He just woke up
Pitbull rescued his cat friend attacked by coyotes and took care of her
The location of the drama is Seminole, Florida. Sherry Lewis and her son Peter were witnesses. And the fact is that they had two fluffy inhabitants in their
Missing shepherd dog comes back to his family with handwritten note on his neck
Louie was gone and his human parents were worried about the 12 years old shepherd dog. Since he was a couple of months old, The boy has spent
Fox stole the mother duck. But the Labrador picked up the ducklings and became their foster father
A well-bred English dog, raised in a castle, has noble manners since childhood. Yes, yes, this is no joke – the Labrador Fred, whom you see in the
Un chat âgé sauvage devient un animal domestique après avoir vécu dans la rue pendant dix longues années
Il est facile d’emmener des chiens et des chats errants dans des refuges, mais le processus d’adaptation n’est pas si simple. Les chiots et les chatons s’impliquent généralement
Un prêtre brésilien ouvre les portes de l’église aux chiens sans abri et encourage les paroissiens à les adopter
Lorsque nous pensons à un lieu d’adoption de chiens, les refuges nous viennent à l’esprit. Mais cette histoire révèle qu’il existe une autre localité au Brésil où ces