German circuses substitute holograms for live animals in their performances.

The circus is always very interesting and fun. Except that, you feel sorry for the animals on the stage. That is why many people do not attend performances in principle.

The German Circus Roncalli has found an amazing solution to make the show brighter and without the participation of wild animals.

From the very first show, Hamburg’s Roncalli included a number of animals in its performances. Now the situation has changed: the circus also shows animals but does it with an emphasis on technology.

A special system creates holograms 32 meters wide and 5 meters high. Such magic was created with the help of 11 projectors. It looks like the best dream ever! Pictures are very realistic and fill the entire space.

Activists around the world are not satisfied with the situation today. Thousands of circuses continue to tour with animals that are not always kept in comfortable conditions.

Captivity, a tight schedule and the exhaustion of animals – that’s why the leadership of Roncalli decided to take the first step towards something new and become an example for everyone.

Today, tickets to the show are sold out in a matter of hours, because the performances have only gotten better. We hope that more than one circus will support this trend. And now we offer you to see more incredible projections. Well, shall we go to Hamburg?

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