Going to the lake,the man couldn’t even think he would see a cage in the water and a frozen dog in it.

Bryant Fritz is an ordinary high school teacher.That day,he went fishing in Lake Kaufman(Shampaign,Illinois),when he suddenly saw a dog in the water which was locken in a cage.

Realising that the dog needs to be saved immediately,the teacher rushed into the lake.When he picked her up,he saw that the poor animal had wounds on his body.
After that,Bryant hurried to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Hearing that the dog was found in a cage,and even in icy water,doctors were horrified.Why this was done to poor Dori(as the dog was named),now the police find out.

Now the dog is in Champaign County Animal Control,where he is recovering.Volunteers note that she has a great appetite,and Dori feels better every day.
By the way,Dori already has owner!His savior Bryant took the baby to his house!The teacher admits that he is sincerely happy about it,as he managed to get attached to Dori!

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