Grandpa and grandchildren ask veterinarian to euthanize dog because they ‘don’t like it’

When a person abandons their dog in a shelter, they are asked to explain why they can no longer care for the animal.

The reasons range from «I can’t afford it» to «My landlord doesn’t allow dogs.»

However, when an elderly grandfather came to the local veterinary clinic with his 10- to 12-year-old dog, he asked the vet to do something unimaginable.

The dog’s owner asked the veterinarian to euthanize the animal because he no longer wanted to take care of her. The dog looked at the vet and staff with beautiful eyes, and they could not meet the person’s request.

The veterinary service called the old dog rescue service in Georgia and asked if they could get the dog back. A volunteer named Melissa came to the clinic to find out what was going on.

“I asked why they wanted to put him to sleep,” Melissa wrote on Facebook. “The dog belonged to someone else…after the death of the original owner, the dog was moved from place to place until he was reunited with his current family.

They told me she pees on the floor all the time, they already have two other dogs and her grandkids just don’t care. » The man’s granddaughter looked Melissa in the eye and said, «We just don’t like him very much. We prefer our other dogs.

All the while, Melissa watched the dog wagging its tail. She decided to greet him. It was dirty and greasy, with a few «bumps and bumps on older women» and eye issues. Melissa held back tears as people walked away from the fragile 30-pound dog.

Today, the dog is in the care of the Old Dog Home Rescue, where he started shaking and being scared. She ate a big meal, curled up for a nap, and Melissa promised her she would never be abandoned again.

They named her Holly and now he’s happily ever after.

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