Happy birthday, Bully: the oldest Bully has recently celebrated his 23rd very special b-day

Generally, dogs’ life expectancy is much shorter than humans, but, there are cases, when they happily live a little bit longer.

That pets are blessed to live and enjoy their lives with joy and happiness.

So, meet Bully, this rescue doggo, who has recently completed his 23rd birthday.

It’s an incredible age for a dog, so his owner made a very peculiar day to his beloved pet.

This title Chihuahua has had a good health, until at the age of 21.

Then, his life was extremely changed.

As his old owner couldn’t foster him anymore, he took his senior for-legged friend to a rescue center, named The Mr. Mo Project.

The incident impressed the pet very much, because Bully was adapted to the new environment so hard at his age.

It’s already 2 years living at the rescue center, for him everyone is lovely.

As his new fosters say “Bully is a very active, naughty, manly, confident, gentle and handsome boy”.

They have other pets at the center, with whom he loves to play and spend the most of his time.

Bully is their oldest doggo, who has recently turned his 23.

As it’s mentioned in the Facebook post, the lovely boy was born on April 5, 1999.

He is a unique dog, who has reached that age: he has lived almost two decades.

Many dogs will just dream of turning that age!

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