He lost his leg,but continued to fight for life!And now the pony helps sick children!

The horse named Pogo demonstrated an incredible will to live.A few moths ago,he was attacked by dogs,but was able to survive.

Caring people noticed a poor pony on the streets and reported it to animal rights activist Shelley Jones.The woman managed to find the animal and took it to the veterinary center.
Doctors had to amputate the injured leg.The operation was successful,and a few weeks later a special prosthesis was made for Pogo.

Pony spent more than two months in a rehabilitation center.During this time,he managed to get used to the prosthesis and learned to move normally.
Then Shelley took the animal to her farm.She plans to use Pogo as a therapeutic pet that will help sick children.

Now this wonderful horse will set an example for people how to overcome difficulties.

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