He returned. The dog was abandoned by the owners, and for a long time he was looking for a way to his house

For a long time, Archie was the favorite dog of his owners, however, then the elderly and bad dog was no longer needed and they did not think of anything better than to put the unfortunate animal in the car and take him far from home, at a distance of two hundred kilometers, and so they left him in a deserted area.

Archie did not understand why people did this and decided that he had to return. For three long weeks, the old dog walked along the dusty roads, finding some food and water from the muddy puddles.

One day the neighbors noticed Archie at the road, they recognized him and called out, to which the dog reacted. It seemed to them that the dog was simply lost, because he had owners, but the reaction of the owners shocked them. They said that they were no longer interested in the dog and that they would not come for him.

But compassionate people did not leave him to live alone. Neighbors rushed on vacation and left him with friends, and then, when they returned, they sheltered Archie.

The former owners were even angry with this circumstance, because they found out that the dog they abandoned lives next door. Everyone understood their heartlessness and cruelty, and one can only guess whether they are not tormented by conscience at all, or do such people have no conscience?

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