Kind dog saves defenseless kittens from fire and receives praises for his heroism

In our time, there are not so many real, desperate heroes. But if someone already does such things, we often hear about them in the news, read on the Internet or in newspapers.

There are also many good deeds that we don’t know about, much is hidden from our eyes since the heroes themselves simply don’t know how to speak.

Today we will talk about just such a hero – a brave dog that risked his life to save little kittens. A fire started in a residential building.

The owners were overtaken by panic, they quickly began to collect their belongings, documents and save their lives, completely forgetting about their four-legged friends. Leaving the premises, the residents of the house simply threw them there.

Without thinking for a long time, a dog rushed into the burning house to take out the kittens one by one. He really risked his life, because during a fire the house could collapse, and he himself could catch fire.

The kittens were rescued, all are alive and well, and this heroic deed did not go unnoticed. Soon the whole village heard about him. The dog was praised and received treats for his heroism.

Thank you, savior of kittens!

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