Mama Kerry was found hiding under a car, extremely pregnant, and ended up giving birth at a shelter. She was soon taken in by Hearts & Bones Rescue, who have made it their mission to make sure she and her puppies are safe and cared for.
“Kerry and her babies settled right in,” Katherine Hieber of Hearts & Bones Rescue told The Dodo. “Kerry is incredibly resilient and seemed happy to have a safe place to care for her pups.”
After being all alone on the streets, Kerry was absolutely thrilled to finally be surrounded by people who loved her. Despite being an incredible mom and knowing exactly how to care for her puppies, she never had any interest in doing it alone
Now, she lets everyone help her with her babies — and even loves having her paw held while she nurses them.
“She is extremely affectionate, so if you’re around, she’ll make it known how much she loves being close to you with kisses or a paw shake,” Hieber said. “Kerry is very trusting and hasn’t been overly protective.
She lets us handle her puppies so that we can weigh them and make sure everyone is growing up healthy.”
Kerry seems to know that the people around her are there to help her and her puppies, which makes her so happy. Her puppies mean so much to her, and having a safe place to relax and watch them grow is all she’s ever wanted.
“It’s clear she really loves her puppies and just wants to be near them,” Hieber said. “Whenever she is brought outside to do her business, she’s always itching to go back inside to be near them. She’s a helicopter mom in the best way.”
Kerry and her puppies are currently headed to their next foster home in NYC, where her new foster family will hold her paws and help her raise her babies.
The little family will continue to grow and love on each other until it’s time for them to go off and find their forever homes.