Mother-tigress left her babies,but a golden retriever came to the rescue.

Not all living beings are endowed with maternal instinct.But in someone,and in dogs it manifests itself especially strongly.Especially in such a kind and caring breed as a golden retriever.

But wild cats,including tigresses,often may not accept their own cubs,and dogs,meanwhile,take care of and love not only their puppies,but also cubs of a completely different species and this story is another proof of this.
In the zoological park «Safari» the tigress had cubs,but she showed no interest in them.Without a mother,these little tiger cubs would have to be artificially fed,which reduced their chances of survival to zero.

Fortunately,a golden retriever named Izzy has become the most caring mother for helpless wild kittens.Izzy fed the kids with her milk,loved and took care of them as if they were her own.She also cleaned and cherished them like the best mommy in the world.
One of the park employees offered to put the tiger cubs to Izzy when they realized that they did not accept the artificial mixture and the workers took a chance.This exceeded all their expectations and tiger cubs grow and grow stronger thanks to a selfless dog by leaps and bounds.

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