The cat ran home,and he was kicked back to the entrance,…

The cat was lying on an old shirt.He didn’t even try to escape.It was noticeable that the animal was very scared.During the day he was ween in the entrance when the residents left their apartments.The cat was sitting in the corner…

When someone walked near him,the cat jumped on the walls out of fright.And then the residents said that a grandmother on the top floor had recently died in the entrance.Furniture began to be taken out of her apartment.

When all the furniture was taken out,the man came down.He laid an old shirt,put dishes with food ad water for the animal,and then left.

The cat was nicknamed Vakhtang.He had an original appearance and an interesting color.The cat was in state of shock a couple of days.He refused to eat and drink.The kitten was tested,he was diagnosed with liver problems.There was a course of treatment and castration.Probably before her death,grandmother was very sick and could not take care of the animal…

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