The dog fell under the wheels of the car and could not move.She begged for help…

The dog lay on the sidelines for several days.A few days ago,she got under the wheels and was only able to crawl from the road to the roadside.The dog,suffering in pain,realized that she had almost no hope.

It got colder outside and it is quite possible that the animal could not survive the night.Passers-by walked past the dog,some ignored her suffering,other,kinder,tried to feed and feel sorry for her,others only scolded her,only increasing her suffering.The dog was badly injured and could not get up,it was constantly in severe pain.
Among the passers-by there was also one who simply could not pass by.The man contacted his friend and together they were able to take the dog to the vet.The doctors immediately began to arrive.

Other caring people who announced a fundraiser helped to release the services of a veterinarian.Common concerns very much united the man and the dog,which he named Naida.
From the clinic,Naida went home to her savior,here she gradually began to walk.Naida quickly got used to the new house and became the most faithful friend for the man to whom she owed her life.

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