The dog touchingly escorted his older close friend on his last journey…

Pepper and Jari may have looked like complete opposites,but it was difficult to meet closer friends.And when Jari lost Pepper last month,she didn’t want to accept the loss.

Pepper was 9 years old when his mistress,Tona Gonzalez Karlsson,adopted Jari.And although the Chihuahua mixture was already an adult when she met the rescued dog,the friendship between them arose instantly.
He was always picky about other dogs,but they found common ground,»Karlsson said.»In he end,they started playing and hugging.It was so funny because now that Jari is playing with big dogs,she plays like a chihuahua.»

The two dogs had many happy,adventurous years together,and Jari always equaled her younger older brother.
However,as Pep got older,his health began to deteriorate.Jari seemed to feel when Pepper was suffering and did everything she could to help.
Pep suffered from several incurable diseases,and in the end Karlsson had no choice but to make a last visit to the vet.Half and hour before the arrival of the veterinarian,Pep got out of his bed and went to the place of last rest,which Karlsson’s father dug for him under a pepper tree.It was as if he was telling his family that he was ready.

Jari came up and pressed his nose against him.Karlsson and her parents decorated this place with lavender and flowers from the garden and carefully lowered it into the ground.That’s when Jari realized that her friend wouldn’t come back.Jari spent five beautiful years with her best friend,and now that she misses him,she knows that all she has to do is go to the peach tree to be next to it again.

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