The lost homeless dog couldn’t eat,and the doctor said why.The couple,who found her,heard about the operation.

A young man named Denny was standing on the balcony with his girlfriend.And at that moment the guy looked down…

There was a dog under the balcony on the grass.Taking some turkey and water,the couple approached the dog,which was very thin.The dog ate a turkey,but for some reason she refused water.Then Denny decided to pick her up and take her with him.
Having brought the dog,the guy rushed to the store to buy some food,a toy and a cage for the pet.

But soon it turned out that the pet urgently needed a doctor,and the next day they were in the veterinarian clinic.
The dog had a blockade of the digestive system.The only was out was the operation.

The couple didn’t know it they could find money.And yet,they could not refuse to help the animal.
Fortunately,the operation was successful.Denny and his girlfriend decided to keep the pet and they hope that they could make it happy.

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