The old woman lost her cat in an earthquake.What a happiness it was for the couple to meet again 4 years later!

4 years ago,Italy was hit by a powerful earthquake.Among the people who had to leave was an elderly woman named Dora.But she lost much more than just a house…
Dora’s favorite cat was lost.No one has seen a pet since…The upset old woman didn’t even dream of ever meeting a cat,but fate gave her a grand gift.

Last week,an ad appeared on social networks from a person who is close to Dora.He said that the cat was found!It was hard to believe,but after many years of separation,a miracle happened!

Of course,the pensioner hurried to pick up her beloved pet as soon as possible!

I can’t describe in words how happy this couple was at the time of the meeting!The cat immediately recognized his beloved hostess and began to rub his face against her face,showing how happy he was to see her again:)
It’s so good that these two are together again!

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