The puppy looked with a pleading look to pick him up from the shelter.

Two girls found a puppy on the street,but were afraid to take him home because their parents scolded them for it.So the girls decided to take the puppy to the shelter.

Without his mother,the poor puppy was very hungry and scared.The veterinarians suggested that he had to endure hunger and cold for a long time,to wage a real struggle for his life.
After few days,he quickly grew stronger and showed everyone his kind character.A funny and affectionate puppy fascinated all the employees of the shelter.

After a while,girls ran in to visit the baby,who found him on the street.One of the puppy’s saviors told the dog that in a perfectly finished year at school,his parents promised to fulfill any of her wishes.She promised the baby to beg his parents to pick him up from the shelter as a gift for her efforts.

In the evening of the same day,a girl ran into the shelter.She was just glowing with happiness,followed by her parents.As soon as they looked at the puppy,the adults threw away all their doubts and on the same day the baby had a new home.

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