The shabby cat looked sadly at people who were passing by…

This homeless cat with a sad look immediately seemed special to passers-by.His neck was covered with strange injuries.and his hair was absent in some places.The poor cat wandered the streets of Christchurch in New Zealand.When people saw him,they immediately decided to help.

So a 5-year-old cat nicknamed Tuggly ended up in a local SPCA shelter.The realities of life on the street made the cat a little aggressive and shy.However,behind his distrustful appearance was a good creature who simply needed love.
When the cat recovered a little and got used to people,they began to look for owners for him.The staff of the shelter were worried that they would look for a family for a sad cat for a long time.But everything turned out to be much faster.Seeing Tuggley’s photos online,one woman immediately wrote to the shelter.

The woman named Catherine immediately paid attention to the cat:»At first I thought he was about ten years old.It turned out that I was wrong,but he looked so sad and shabby compared to others that I decided — I have to pick him up,»the woman writes.
That’s how Tuggly found his home.At first,Tuggley was worried and afraid of the new situation — but his new owners did everything to get hi used to it.He just needed time.

A few weeks later,the situation has already changed.Tuggly felt much more comfortable in the new house,and calmly communicated with the owners.Time passed,and today it’s been six months since the cat had a house.Now it’s a completely different Tuggley — cheerful,affectionate,and no longer sad at all!He really likes to spend time next to the owners,and they don’t care about him.Thank you for your salvation!

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