The woman and her friend walked through the forest and found newborn puppies.It was impossible to waste time…

When a woman and her friend went for a walk in the afternoon,they heard whining in the distance.They walked by the sound and were stunned by what they found!Four puppies who were not even a month were left alone.There was neither a man nor a mother dog in sight.Two women quickly called the local rescue service.

The rescuers arrived on time.Each puppy was picked up by a caring woman who examined them.Fortunately,she had a lot of experience working with animal abandoned in this way,and she was ready to help them.She saw ticks ate puppies alive.

Two puppies were noticeably thinner than the other two.Their situation was indeed alarming.They promptly took the kids to the veterinary clinic.

The veterinarian allowed two puppies to go to the shelter.He pointed out that they need additional nutrition and treatment from ticks,but otherwise they feel good.Two puppies could not leave the clinic.Because of insect bites and malnutrition,they had dangerous anemia.

We can’t imagine how these puppies should have been scared.They are so small and had to be with their mother.We are grateful to the rescuers for staying with two puppies in the veterinarian while they were undergoing treatment.

Two healthier puppies have already been adopted and feel good in their foster families.Two healthier puppies are still being treated,but every day they are getting better.

Thank God,a woman and her friend were walking when they could save these kids.Otherwise,it is unlikely that the puppies would survive.All four puppies are feeling well now.

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