Booba became our ward just over a year ago.At first,he scared volunteers,because being a thoroughbred Caucasian,Booba has a considerable size and a very formidable appearance.Having got to know the dog better,you begin to understand that he is amazingly smart,contact and well-mannered.
In Booba,a former domestic dog is immediately guessed.For a long time he had a family that surrounded him with care and was engaged in upbringing,and he,we are sure,gave them his love and devotion in return.In the end,people betrayed Boob’a trust,so he meets his old age not in the company of his beloved owners,but in a shelter.
It is difficult to imagine why people decided to betray and after many years of service sent Booba to a shelter.We only have guesses and assumptions based on is condition and our experience.
Booba is definitely old and has health problems.Judging by how carefully he licks his paws,he experiences pain in bones and joints.Trying to relieve the pain,the dog licks his paws to meat,so volunteers have to constantly process them to prevent rotten ones.A huge amount of wool makes any temperature rise for Booba a serious test.It is very difficult to ensure proper care for such a dog in the shelter.
Booba is brought up,knows some commands and walks perfectly on a leash.It is difficult for him to find contact with other animals,obviously because he is brought up as a security guard,but he just loves people,especially children.