When Paloma’s beloved mistress died her life derailed!!

Let me introduce you to Paloma.She is 8 years old.Beautiful,with sad eyes.The story of Paloma is simple,but very touching…
7 years ago she was found on the street.Happiness smiled at Paloma,and there was a family.

And 6 years later,thunder broke out.The most important person in her life — the mistress — died.And the world has blackened.
There are two left — a 13-year-old son and an 88-year-old grandmother.There were relatives ready to take a grandson,but with one condition:Paloma remains with her grandmother.

For a year,grandma and grandson held on for the sake of their mother’s beloved dog.A year…but hunger was awful.
And soon Paloma returned to volunteers again.Several months passed,and Paloma timidly began to hope that there would be a house for her.Now in the eyes of Paloma,interest in what is happening around has been ignited again.She plays with other dogs,caresses,and even…smiles!

If you are ready to give the House to this wonderful dog — call,we will tell you more about it.
Tel. 8044 772-72-65 Irina
8029 322-61-55 Tamara
Shelter «House of Saved Souls»,city of Minsk.

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