Surfers heard a whale crying and spent six hours to save it.

When a group of local surfers in Boca Barranca,Costa Rica,gathered once again to conquer the waves,they faced an unusual phenomenon.Mauricio Camareno,which was the name of one of the surfers and his team noticed a «black bulge» at dawn at the mouth of the neighboring river.

And then the crying of a living creature was heard from that very place,so the surfers decided to swim closer to see what was going on.They saw that it was a small whale cub stranded about 50 meters downstream.

They took the unfortunate creature back into the open sea,but he seemed too tired to swim back,and,so Mauricio explained,could not even stay afloat.
But the story didn’t end there.Camareno and his friends decided to stay with the baby until he regained his strength.It took about six hours.Throughout this period of time,various residents came to observe what was happening.

Some of them even contacted the Costa Rican Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Costa Rican Coast Guard.Unfortunately,none of them answered.
As a result,noble surfers decided to wait for the rise of the tide,ensuring that the frightened baby will return to deep water.After six hours,which seemed endless,the torment of the little kitten ended and he dived into the sea again.And maybe it became only thanks to these brave men!

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