The cople saw a photo of a sad dog on the Internet and decided to pick it up,despite the warnings.

Benny is a homeless dog who was found in Los Angeles an assigned to a shelter.Benny was a shy and frightened dog.The animal had almost no wool cover.
The couple realized that they wanted to give this poor fellow happiness.They spent six hours on the road,but took Benny.

When the couple arrived at the shelter and announced their desire to pick up Benny,all the employees were shocked.They told the couple that the dog is completely unsociable and does not get along well with people.However,the did not want to put him to sleep because the baby was absolutely healthy.

Benny was very scared when he was taken to a new house.The dog did not make contact and absolutely did not want to communicate with the new owners.However,a couple of days later,his behavior changed dramatically.

The dog lives with the new owners for all three weeks,but he became a full member of their family.
The story of this dog proves once again that love and care are what works miracles.An animal with any appearance and character deserves love.

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