The couple took a thick cat from the shelter and a few months later no one could recognize this handsome creature.

Employees of a small company producing wall seats and shelves for cats Mike Wilson and Megan Hanneman decided to shelter a cat to try out their products designed for too lazy and sedentary pets.
They went to the shelter for this purpose and it was there that they met our hero.They already had three cats at home and came for a fourth one.The couple chose the fluffy,which stands out from the rest for its size.The cat’s name was Bronson.

Due to excess weight the cat could not move much and spent most of his time lying down.
In the shelter,they were told that Bronson is three years old and has a very affectionate temper.He got to the shelter after his owner passed away.In the next day the young people were again in the shelter with a firm decision to take Bronson.

The cat was quickly shown to the veterinarian,where they were told that the cat should reduce weight gradually,and sharp weight loss would lead to death.The cat was drawn up an individual nutrition plan for 375 calories a day.
Bronson lay all day and played with his special toys for 20 minutes a day.He was moved as far as possible from the place where he fell asleep,which would make him move.

Then they began to raise it to the second floor to make him go downstairs.
When Bronson was just taken from the shelter,his weight was 14.9 kg.Within a month,he lost 900 grams.Now the cat is sill on a diet and the owners hope that its weight will normalize during the year.

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