The girl accidentally meets the dog,which was taken away from her 11 years ago!

One day Kate Griffin,a college student,walked quietly around the city.Suddenly she saw a dog on the other side of the street!
This story would be very ordinary,because dogs walk the streets every day.However,there was one «but»…

It was not just an animal,but Kate’s favorite dog,whom her parents gave to another family 11 years ago without her consent1
The girl couldn’t believe her eyes and hurried to her.
Kate remembers her childhood with Kami,her favorite dog,with tears in her eyes.She and his sister begged their parents to have a puppy for a long time.After long persuasuion,they surrendered,and Kami appeared in the house.But soon Kate’s parents divorced and gave the dog to other people.

The girl decided to approach her Kami,who was walked by a stranger,He really confirmed that she is now 15 years old,and he took her a long time ago from one family.Surprisingly,the dog also recognized its old friend!

Unfortunately,Kate had to break up with her childhood friend again.They said goodbye again — and now,probably,forever…
However,the girl’s soul will always be warmed by the idea that her baby is fine,and she lives in love and warmth!

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