The missing cat unexpectedly met with the owners after many years.

Three years ago,a cat named Tiger appeared in Carol O’Connell’s yard.He was wild and did not let him in,keeping the mistress of the house at a respectful distance.
Despite the fact that the woman and her son fed the kitten,he was in no hurry to trust people.All Carol had to do was be patient and attentive…

After a while,her efforts were successful,and she managed to pick up the cat.He,in turn,began to show affection and trust,and the woman rejoiced that she was able to «befriend» with the kitten.
After that Carol decided it would be nice to show the cat to the vet.What the veterinarians learned shocked Carol.It turned out that Tiger disappeared 11 years ago!It seemed something incredible!

When Carol found out about it,she immediately went to the shelter,and the staff contacted the owners.The cat was owned by John and Maggie Weltz.When they were informed that their pet had been found,they didn’t believe their ears!
When Maggie found out that the cat had escaped,she rushed to the shelter to see her pet.It is not knwon if her pet remembered,but when she pressed him to her,he also began to hug the mistress,putting his head on her shoulder…

Now the kitten is finally at home with its owners!This is a real miracle for which it is worth thanking kind-hearted and caring people!

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