«Three fragile lives»: premature kittens almost died,but people came to the rescue!

A squinted cat named Ida was found completely by accident.Weakened and hungry,she was in the last stages of pregnancy and was waiting for kittens that were about to be born.But as the cat wasn’t too healthy,the babies could die…

Fortunately,an orphanage intervened in Ida’s fate,which gave the cat and her babies a chance for a happy life.
The kitty was an affectionate and grateful «guest».She hugged everyone and tried to show with all her appearance how happy she was that she was saved!

And after a while,kittens were born.Each baby weighed no more than 56 grams,so those who were stronger survived.Kittens were called cute names: Agatha,Marish and Arthur.
«Three fragile lives were in our hands,and we must give them everything they need!» said one of the employees of the shelter.

Soon the babies began to gain weight,grow and develop.The cat happily watched her children «bloom» right in front of her eyes!
Very soon the kids will be distributed in good hands,but Ida will not be left alone-she will certainly find owners who will love the cat with alh her heart!

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